Sunday 18 January 2015

Update and a happy new year to you!

Goodness it's been yonks since I last blogged anything apparently! Been so busy that I hadn't realised.

What have I been doing? 

There was the Freeform crochet lessons from Christmas. To date I've made - 
It's going to be a bag which does mean I've got a bit more work to do! Really liking the freedom of creating whatever I like with whatever colour I like and not worrying about counting stitches or following a pattern. Very liberating.

Then next I have the new challenge for 2015, Tunisian crochet.
I plan to make the top on the front using the yarn below -

I've read the intro and feel ready to get started this week so keep your fingers crossed for me! 

My next creation was the family Valentine tree. 

I've decided that the lovely white tree I bought to show off my Christmas creations was too good to put away so I want to decorate it throughout the year to reflect the seasons or upcoming events. 

Valentine's Day is in February so that was my first stop, many hearts - well actually so far just 5 to represent the five members of my family!
Pretty ones for myself and the children..

And a not so pretty one for my husband who facetiously decided he wanted one with a skull on it! I showed him!!

I do feel the urge to create a super pretty flouncy Freeform heart - watch this space! 

My daughter meanwhile was putting my chopped off yarn ends to good use creating hedgehog pictures! Love these little spiky fluff balls! Clever girlie. 

So as you can see, I have been a little busy in my crochet world, I just forgot to tell you all about it! 

(And don't tell anyone but I've been busy thinking Easter crochet thoughts too, shhh) 

Til next time, which hopefully won't be so long,
Happy crocheting x