Monday 24 March 2014

Hey Hey Crochet!'s first ladies night!!

Wow what a night! I took the Hey Hey Crochet! goodies and party ideas to a Ladies Night at St Saviours Infant School.
So, the table was set...
I placed a sign on my table to entice people to come and have crochet lessons with me.
The colours were amazing...

I couldn't believe how many lovely things I'd actually managed to make in my spare (hee-hee!!) time...

The egg cosies I blogged last time were big sellers. They looked so colourful and cheerful.
And the bunting was up...

Triangles, flowers and hearts - who doesn't love bunting?!!!

You may well spot the tea pot I mentioned before - more on the tea pot cosy later...

Finally, some coasters. a riot of colour and lots of positive support from everyone there.
A great night! 

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