Saturday 4 April 2015

Granny skirt!

I finished a project - in record time for me may I add! 

I designed and made a crochet skirt, fully lined and everything!! Wowzers!! 

Rather proud of myself at the moment. Looking forward to wearing it to the Enigmatic Mrs C's 40th birthday party soon.

The journey?
Well, it's no secret that I LOVE the traditional granny square and so an item of clothing incorporating it was bound to happen at some point. 
I researched on Pinterest and found some examples that I really liked, so using these for inspiration I began the process of designing my own. 

I made my designs with measurements and an idea of colour - predominantly black with pink granny squares as a feature. 
As it grew, my two rows of squares shrank to only one as I realised that visually it would work better. 

The granny row 

I'm wearing this over the top of my black skinnies as I wanted to check that it would fit and make sure that my decision on one row was right. Yep, it so was! 

Next I created the hem line with granny clusters and a little picot edge reflecting the colour sequences used in the squares. 


Then on to the body of the skirt which is entirely made of black trebles. 
I turned it over at the top and added in a band of elastic - not too tight!! 
Finally, I lined it. I was hoping I wouldn't need to as you may remember that I really don't like sewing! But it needed it and infact was slightly see through without, oops!! 

The finished product front and back (And my husbands electric screw driver!!) 

It feels, and I think, looks quite slimming and with the rest of me top to toe in black it looks really eye catching.

So so so happy. Ahhh. 

Next, mmm?
A Granny square top me thinks!! Never to be worn together though!!!!

Til next time,
Happy crocheting x

Sunday 22 March 2015

Tunisian magic!

I did it!
Not only did I teach myself some Tunisian crochet, I also completed a project!! 

Oh, the level of smugness is very high...
Love the colour, love the warmth it gives, love the drape and most of all, love the pretty stitch pattern. 
It's turned out to be an expensive top as I had to buy 4 skeins when I'd hoped 3 would be enough, and at £12.95 a go that's quite lot! 
It's also taken longer than I'd hoped but whether that's because I'm easily distracted by other things I'm not sure. Ok, yes I know, that's definitely the reason! If I'd just stick to this top each evening I'd have been finished yonks ago!! I hear you ;-D! 

Almost as soon as I finished though my mind was racing on to its next project - I'm thinking a skirt incorporating my favourite granny square design. 

Plans so far...
Do so love a bit of rough planning, let's hope my numbers are right! 

Will keep you informed.
Til next time
Happy crocheting x

Sunday 15 March 2015


I've been very neglectful of my Blog for a long time. My own fault I realise. 
Since Christmas I've been looking for a job and what with sorting out my CV, hunting for jobs, completing applications and attending an interview, my crochet has taken a back seat. Boo!! 

At the end of February I managed to get a job as a Teaching Assistant in my eldest child's school - a bit weird as before I had children I was a Secondary School History teacher, so feels a little weird to not be in charge and to have changed age range to a junior school! Loving it though! 

My new job is every morning so as I've settled into it and sorted childcare issues, I've managed to pick up my crochet again. Yay! 

I made the decision that 2015 would predominantly be about me and my crochet! Mainly, completing my outstanding crochet projects and teaching, and not taking many orders for other people. So if I accept an order from you this year, feel free to be as pompous as you like as you are one of the lucky ones! 

So, I've spent the last few weeks focussing on my 2014 Granny Square blanket, my Tunisian crochet wrap thingie and my freeform crochet bag. Here's my progress so far -

My blanket -
I had a look at all of the squares I had so far completed and decided that I would combine them into groups of four and half treble a couple of rows around the outside of them thus making larger squares. 
Once I'd done that with all of the ones I had, I laid them out to see what size my blanket would be - 
Not big enough! 
I've worked out that I need to make another 40 small squares to give me 10 more groups of four squares. This, once I've connected them all together and given it an edging in the gold yarn me thinks, will then be large enough for a double bed! Woohoo!!
A bit of work left to do then, but progress has been made! 

My Tunisian crochet wrap thingie -
Quick reminder of what it will look like only with me inside it not this lady!
The pattern states that it needs to be 58 inches in length. I'm currently up to 53! So close that I'm now ploughing on hoping to finish it at some point this week, as in my usual manner, I'm desperate to tick it off as completed and move on to my next project! So impatient I know.
I still love love love the yarn I'm using. The colour is coming through beautifully (maybe not so much in my pictures though!)

My freeform crochet bag -
This has taken on a lot of changes since Christmas as I decide how I want the finished bag to look. It began as a messenger style size and shape but as the freeform crochet has grown I've realised how much I want it to resemble a carpet bag style. So I've gotten myself some bamboo handles and adjusted the final shape I want it to be. 
Here's my progress so far -
Side 1:
Side 2:
The material I've pinned it to is just to give me a guide for the final shape I'm aiming for. 
Really liking how this is turning out and evolving as it grows. Lucky for me I need consistently good weather to use it so I've got time on my hands to complete this little beauty!! Phew! 

In amongst this I'm adding to my projects list! 
I'd like to make myself a skirt out of granny hexagons - so watch this space for that creation, and check out Pinterest images for my inspiration! 
I'd also like to make a round shoulder bag using some lovely coloured garden twine I bought back in January. Must get on to that one as if I've not got enough twine who knows if they'll still have it in store, eek!! 
Like it? Can you picture it?! 
And I've got an order for another Christmas elf, December deadline for that one so its on my list but not overly urgent me thinks. 

So much to do, so little time.
Thanks for checking back in with me, and sorry it's been so long!
Until next time, 
Happy crocheting xx

Sunday 18 January 2015

Update and a happy new year to you!

Goodness it's been yonks since I last blogged anything apparently! Been so busy that I hadn't realised.

What have I been doing? 

There was the Freeform crochet lessons from Christmas. To date I've made - 
It's going to be a bag which does mean I've got a bit more work to do! Really liking the freedom of creating whatever I like with whatever colour I like and not worrying about counting stitches or following a pattern. Very liberating.

Then next I have the new challenge for 2015, Tunisian crochet.
I plan to make the top on the front using the yarn below -

I've read the intro and feel ready to get started this week so keep your fingers crossed for me! 

My next creation was the family Valentine tree. 

I've decided that the lovely white tree I bought to show off my Christmas creations was too good to put away so I want to decorate it throughout the year to reflect the seasons or upcoming events. 

Valentine's Day is in February so that was my first stop, many hearts - well actually so far just 5 to represent the five members of my family!
Pretty ones for myself and the children..

And a not so pretty one for my husband who facetiously decided he wanted one with a skull on it! I showed him!!

I do feel the urge to create a super pretty flouncy Freeform heart - watch this space! 

My daughter meanwhile was putting my chopped off yarn ends to good use creating hedgehog pictures! Love these little spiky fluff balls! Clever girlie. 

So as you can see, I have been a little busy in my crochet world, I just forgot to tell you all about it! 

(And don't tell anyone but I've been busy thinking Easter crochet thoughts too, shhh) 

Til next time, which hopefully won't be so long,
Happy crocheting x