Sunday 22 March 2015

Tunisian magic!

I did it!
Not only did I teach myself some Tunisian crochet, I also completed a project!! 

Oh, the level of smugness is very high...
Love the colour, love the warmth it gives, love the drape and most of all, love the pretty stitch pattern. 
It's turned out to be an expensive top as I had to buy 4 skeins when I'd hoped 3 would be enough, and at £12.95 a go that's quite lot! 
It's also taken longer than I'd hoped but whether that's because I'm easily distracted by other things I'm not sure. Ok, yes I know, that's definitely the reason! If I'd just stick to this top each evening I'd have been finished yonks ago!! I hear you ;-D! 

Almost as soon as I finished though my mind was racing on to its next project - I'm thinking a skirt incorporating my favourite granny square design. 

Plans so far...
Do so love a bit of rough planning, let's hope my numbers are right! 

Will keep you informed.
Til next time
Happy crocheting x

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