Sunday 20 April 2014


I've been a bit quiet of late, not intentionally but time ran away from me :).

So, the week of chicken pox led to some really creative time for me but then followed with a week that was almost out of control with it's level of craziness!
It was my dear hubby's birthday last week and due to being trapped at home for a week I had severely fallen behind with my secret planning; so that took over for a while, with the three kids in tow. Surprisingly they managed to keep all the secrets!! Shocked me I can tell you. 
Then we went on holiday to Cornwall for a week. Amazing and restful and fun and inspiring. My life of crochet took a back burner for a week and I think my hands got a little restless but I've returned home with a list as long as my arm that I am desperate to crochet!

Here's three images from our holiday just outside Falmouth that made me sigh with creative goodness...
Don't you just love the completely seaside feel of these beach huts??
I love the stripes and the contrast of the colour against the cream. A touch of bold, a touch of pastel, a hint of ice cream?!

We went into the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth and I was held spell bound by the numerous boats they had dangling from the roof! Lots of shades of blue, some white, really rich deep red that just screams sails and the sea, and of course lovely wood browns that you just feel the need to run your hands over immediately.

And finally, of course, the beach! This is Hayle beach on the north coast of Cornwall, boasting three miles of beautiful sand. It was amazing. We went there twice and although it was a little windy it was great.
I love the clash of the grass, the sand, the sea and the sky... and here and there the flash of a colourful kite dipping and diving in the sky. I think the words my kids would use is 'awesome'!
A great week.
Now back to my crochet world... :) xx

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