Monday 3 November 2014

A bit of pretty!

I finished my scarf!!! Woo-hoo!
Ooh, for once a photo that clearly shows the vibrant colour of this blue. Nice!
Can't wait to wear this scarf. 
It was such a straight forward make that I've already begun the pink one for my December party outing 
Oooh, another fab colour photo! (Although if you look below, it looks completely different to the yarn in that picture!)
Not got that far as you can see but well, I've got time...eek!!
Do you remember the skirt-yarn combo I'm working towards??       
Here's a little reminder ...                       
Should look nice I hope! 

Now, next week is going to be a big week on my Blog as I'll be revealing my Christmas workshop creations. Feels as though it's been a long time coming but I've so wanted to keep the surprise for those coming to my workshop that I've held off showing you any pictures. Lots to look forward to! 

Til next time
Happy crocheting x

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