Thursday 16 June 2016

Autumn granny blanket

So, as promised I've taken some more photos and can give you further details on my blanket. 

I started by crocheting lots of different 6 inch squares using the following book - 
Can't recommend this book enough. The squares are interesting, clearly labelled in difficulty and well explained. There's even blanket suggestions and colour ideas. Really good place to start if you're considering a blanket project of your own.
When I got to a rather sizeable pile of squares I began to panic that they'd never become an actual blanket and that it would just become yet another work-in-progress! So I decided to begin connecting them in groups of four to begin with. Then I decided I really needed to see my blanket begin to take shape. I chose to crochet borders around the groups of four and turn them into 'big' squares. 
These then grew into groups of four 'big' squares which when joined together we're actually a decent size. My blanket had become a useable item in our home! Woohoo! 

Still needed to grow a little bigger though as we have a king size bed and my husband had imagined that it would drape over the edges. Did he realise the time and effort involved?? Meh! - He was right, although I'll deny it if you tell him so!!
Thoughts then moved on to an interesting border that incorporated all of the colours. I was beginning to get itchy feet for a new project! I settled on a row of trebles in each colour with a row of small one-colour granny squares and finished with another row of trebles in each colour. 
I love the border but if I was to criticise it at all I would have to say that I wish I'd added the little granny squares just using their back loops all round as they lose some of their crispness with the second section of treble rows feeding directly into the trebles and chain spaces. Just a little niggle I know, and my husband hasn't even noticed, but well you know how it is when you see something that you could have done differently after the fact. Always annoying from then onwards!

Do I have favourites? 
Er, yeah, of course! 
Below I've picked my favourite three: a square with a centrally raised flower, one using a popcorn stitch to add some texture and one which I just love for its combination of stitches and my positioning of the colours. 

And of course the traditional granny square, which I inadvertently put in neighbouring groups of four! Oops! I also found myself making them, I do!!
They do look so different with the colour choice changed though...take a look for yourself...
If I could go back and do anything differently, I'd definitely wet block the squares as I created them, as although they are all 6 inch squares, some are more 6 inch than others if you know what I mean?!! Areas of the blanket would lay flatter if I'd done that I think.  

Overall, I love it and it got the thumbs up from the husband. Now I just need to defend it from moths!! Why, oh why did I feel the need to use 100% wool? For cosiness and warmth obviously! 

Took two years, but oh so so so worth it! 

Next time, I'll fill you in on my daughter's very vibrant blanket....
Until then, happy crocheting X

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