Tuesday 7 June 2016

More apologies than you can ever imagine!

So, as the title suggests, I'm in the apologising mood. Life has well and truly taken over recently and it's been over a year since my last blog post. 'Appalling,' I hear you cry! It's been so long I actually had to sign back in to my blog ownership and even that was a palaver as I couldn't remember or find my password and all the other miscellaneous secretive words I needed! I've been punished by my own blog it would seem! And rightly so!

Rest assured that I've not been completely lacking in crafty goodness! I've completed some projects, begun and finished others, and created some more half finished projects along the way too. 

I'll give you a sneaky peek at some now and then drip feed you the details over the next few weeks...

Here goes...
Our Autumn blanket - completed! (That so has to be said in a song-song voice, 'com-plee-tee-d!!)
So cosy, although at the moment it is blinking hot under it! Phew! Don't want to pack it away though as it's taken 2 and a 1/2 years to complete!! Wowzers!  Bonkers, but oh so satisfying. Smug does not even cover it.

My world has become a blanket heaven now though, as I then completed one for my new nephew...
Ahh, L💙VE him.
And one for my daughter...
An unconventional round one, oooooh, fancy. 

And started one for my youngest son...
Stripes galore.

My eldest son has already put in his order and it's well in the planning stages...
(Sorry, sideways picture, very annoying I know!)

I'm close to completing a shawl using sock yarn...
Love the colour change you get from a sock yarn and it's very lightweight.

Anyhoo, that's enough sneaky peeking for now. More details of all the projects, and any others I can think of, to come - there must be some I've forgotten about.

Ahh, I can feel my creative juices sighing with pleasure at all that loveliness. 

Until next time, 
Happy crocheting xx

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