Thursday 28 August 2014


What can I say except, my sofa looks super snugly with my two new cushions!! You saw the first one earlier this week but now I can reveal the second one! 
And, ta-da!
But there's two, I hear you exclaim. 
This cushion has two different sides. How super yummy is that?!
One side I did my much favoured traditional granny square design and on the other I just created as I crochet, beginning with a circle design and converting it to a square to complete. 
This cushion required a little more thought on making up as the cushion pad was white and did not sit well under the bright colours and against my black sofa. So, I covered the cushion pad in black material before slipping it in the crochet cover. 
I love both of the cushions and the bright colours make me smile every time I look at them. Am now trying not to be too precious over them as the children use them not as cushions are necessarily intended!
The husbands view? I need to make a third as we have a large sofa and a matching arm chair! Need another design idea me thinks, I can feel the creative thought mechanisms whirring as we speak. 
Currently working on some bunting for a Christmas present. Very excited as the overall design of the bunting I've never attempted before. Naughty of me to mention it really as you won't be able to view it until after Christmas incase one of you lets the secret out if the bag ;D!! What a tease I am. 
Until next time x

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