Tuesday 2 September 2014

Panic stations!

Rather unlike me, I'm panic crocheting this week! An old friend of mine had her first baby last Thursday and I am not organised at all!! Going to visit new baby on Friday morning, so there's my crochet deadline ;). I blame it on the summer holiday and no day having any real definition at all, got me all out of my organisation mode!!

Pictures of completed item will follow after I've actually finished it, but ... 
What's that? A sneaky peek you say? Oh, go on then, but don't tell her for goodness sake, spoil my surprise!! 
Ooh, what is it? Mmm...
You'll have to wait and see! Nothing too exciting as time is of the essence. You might have guessed that the baby is a boy though! 

Now to avoid any distractions. Almost impossible - getting there though. Eldest son returned to school today, youngest will go back tomorrow and then my daughter returns to pre school on Thursday. Nothing straight forward here! Will hope for crochet time to improve as week progresses. 

Til next time, happy crocheting xx

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