Thursday 30 October 2014

Cushion cosy-ness!

Done, yay! One granny square cushion with slightly different sides based on the granny square design.

Like it? 

Love love love a good granny square and the vibrancy of these colours has not let me down. Ahhh, I feel the need to cosy under a blanket and soak up these earlier dark evenings with some cosy crochet ...mmm.

Unfortunately, this cushion is not for me :-(. I wanted to make one for my craft stall in time for a workshop I'm doing this weekend. I'll be at Farrington Gurney School supporting a WI craft trail by organising a crochet workshop on Sunday afternoon.

Now to make lots and lots of those desirable snowflakes! 

Definitely feeling wintry in my crochet world. 

Til next time
Happy crocheting x

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Spotty dotty!

I've been neglecting my blog again, sorry. Rest assured that I've been super busy with crochet and yet more decorating of our house, almost done it all now, the decorating that is!
In my crochet world I've mainly been thinking Christmas but as before these items won't be blogged until after my Christmas workshop on the 9th November. All very secret and exciting though and I am really rather pleased with myself writing patterns and being uber creative.
Alongside that I've been finishing some other projects off. I am doing a WI workshop at the weekend and so I've been creating a couple more bits and bobs to show off the wonders of crochet. 
I managed to complete my Spotty Dotty bunting...
Really love the vibrant colours on this bunting. I used a selection of Rico Design Essentials Cotton. 
Aren't they wonderful? And they have fabulous names like Melon and Peacock and Kingfisher and Flamingo!!
Just on a little note about colour. Do you find that sometimes you get a colour yarn that you love, you take off the label, get creating, then when you want some more you can't remember exactly what it was?? Well, it's always happening to me. So, I now always take a little snippet of each colour and celotape it to the back of the label so I then have a record of the make, colour number, and a visual of the yarn. You've probably all been doing that for yonks but just incase you haven't you can have this advice for free ;-D!! 
Want to see a couple more piccies??

I've also been creating a Granny Square cushion too. Not got that far but do have Sunday as a deadline so I am hoping it will come together in time. 
I've chosen eight rather bright colours and am creating the cushion using just these. You will also spot that I'm joining the squares as I go! Oooh, get me? I just figured that with my deadline fast approaching it may save time and be less depressing at the end! Here's hoping anyway. Will keep you up to date with this little creation. My plan is to use the rather lovely purple and red to do a double crochet row around the edge and use it to join both sides. We'll see how it works. 
Half term at the moment too so that is a little distracting for my crochet time.
No rest for the wicked my Mum used to say!! 
Til next time 
Happy crocheting x

Monday 20 October 2014

Catch-up time!

I've been beavering away and finally actually finished something. Amazing, I know!
Wanna see?? Do ya??? 
The flower bunting!
I love it and had such fun creating it especially choosing the perfect buttons for each triangle flower. 
After much deliberation with the husband we thought 9 triangles would make a good length as then there would be a lovely central triangle to draw the eye. 
Do you like?? 
More piccies so you can admire ...

It's predominantly got a pinky-purple theme but there are a couple of rogue oranges in there for good measure. Oh, and a sort of claret looking one with I think is luverly! The colour is really super.

I've also made a Granny Square!! Wowzers, it's been yonks! My blanket will never keep me warm at this rate :-D!! 
A traditional Granny Square with a double crochet border to it. Really got the bug for my blanket again now. The yarns are so lovely to crochet with and I still really love the colours (good job!!). 

What next?? 
The spotty bunting that I've started. Three triangles done, 6 to go. 
And I fancy making a cushion using Granny Square triangles..! Could be interesting, will keep you posted. 
Oh, and my daughters birthday is fast approaching so I have the idea of making her an amigurumi butterfly lady from a pattern I happened across last night! 
Will I ever stop???

Til next time 
Happy crocheting x

Thursday 16 October 2014


Many apologies but I've just realised that it's been a while since my last blog. 
I have been busy in my crochet world but also had poorly children to nurse as well - nothing serious, just end-of-term-itus as we used to call it when I was a teacher many moons ago! 
So, to catch you up:-
Blanket number 2 came to a standstill when I realised just what a tall order I had given myself. There was no way it was going to be a useful size by the beginning of November and let me get the other crochet jobs I've got on the go completed. This is how far I got - 
Once I'd decided to shelve the blanket I finally got myself sorted with some of my workshop creations.
I found a pattern I loved and made some beautiful snowflakes. I think you'll agree that with some ribbon for hanging they'll be great -
I had originally planned to write my own pattern but I stumbled upon this one in a past issue of Simply Crochet magazine and loved it's simplicity and beauty and snowflakeyness.
Since then I've been creating my Christmas workshop patterns (to be revealed at a later date after the workshop :-D) and immersing myself in beautiful yarn to create said designs. All very exciting and creative - I hope!!
And to top off my creativeness, after being inspired by one of my students who was making a beautiful cowl, I decided to dig up some lovely Debbie Bliss Rialto Lace that I had bought for a project which it turned out to be all wrong for, and make a scarf. Here is my creation thus far ...
I love it's softness and delicacy and yet to touch it is really quite robust. 
I've quite ridiculously fallen in love with this creation. I've decided to just keep going until I run out of the ball of lace. That will be how long this scarf is, no more and no less!!
In my excitement with this scarf, I thought I'd create another one when this is finished to go with an outfit for a party I'm  going to in early December. Nothing like a deadline to challenge myself with hee-hee!!
The skirt and the lace yarn all ready to go! Really looking forward to the time when I can begin this one. 
Now, to those beady eyed among you, sorry sorry sorry 😞. I am well and truly behind with my granny square delights. I know I know. It's on my ever growing 'to do list' and I've already decided how the blanket will look once finished - I'm sure that will develop as the weeks go on knowing me!!! So, Christmas making and workshops out of the way, then scarves, and then some serious blanket work! Please pick me up on this in December if I fail to get on top of that promise!! 
Til next time, happy crocheting xx

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Blanket bonkers!

I've gone blanket bonkers!! 
Probably a knock on effect from the sudden drop in temperature but hey ho, there's nothing nicer than crocheting something on your knee that gets larger and larger keeping you uber warm as it grows - hee hee!! 
So, the story...
Once upon a time there was The Crochet Lady, who realised that her Christmas Fairs were fast looming and her stock was not fast replenishing. So she thought, 'mmm, what would be a lovely item to see on my stall? Me thinks a lovely pram blanket or two' (haven't got time for a full on grown up one but could always take commissions if desired!!)
Out came her pretty yarn and her mind went doolally deciding on colour schemes and gazing around her world in a colour inspiration dream. 
Then blanket number 1 grew -
Not much inspiration was used here it has to be said! Was thinking back to the lovely blue Granny square design I made a friend at the end of August and thought lets do a girlie version. 

Rather like it myself. 

'The next blanket,' thought The Crochet Lady, 'shall have more inspiration - Morrocco maybe??'

~ Did I show you the lovely rug I've fallen in love with?? Here tis...
And so blanket 2 began to take shape .
To be continued...

Sunday 5 October 2014

Feeling jolly - again!

Have given in to my bunting cravings and begun two different strings of triangles. 
Firstly I felt a bit dotty...
Then I came over all flowery...
Loving both of these. 
Can't wait to see them both grow into proper bunting with more triangles.
My biggest decision I think will be what colour to make the strings...mmm??
Will keep you posted. 

Now I'm off to make a long delayed Christmas tree - I keep putting it off, am not quite ready to fully embrace the Christmas crochet world! 
Wish me luck ;-) xx 

Saturday 4 October 2014

The surprise of a woolly Bristol!!

We had a family day out today to meet some old friends. 
The location? The M Shed in Bristol.
The surprise? Briswool was there!!
 Briswool is a wonderful example of a community coming together to support their local yarn shop by knitting or crocheting famous landmarks from Bristol. These were then all gathered and connected together to form a woolly Bristol.
Really good fun and a great demonstration of what can be created by our ever popular yarn based crafts. 
See what you can recognise ...
