Thursday 16 October 2014


Many apologies but I've just realised that it's been a while since my last blog. 
I have been busy in my crochet world but also had poorly children to nurse as well - nothing serious, just end-of-term-itus as we used to call it when I was a teacher many moons ago! 
So, to catch you up:-
Blanket number 2 came to a standstill when I realised just what a tall order I had given myself. There was no way it was going to be a useful size by the beginning of November and let me get the other crochet jobs I've got on the go completed. This is how far I got - 
Once I'd decided to shelve the blanket I finally got myself sorted with some of my workshop creations.
I found a pattern I loved and made some beautiful snowflakes. I think you'll agree that with some ribbon for hanging they'll be great -
I had originally planned to write my own pattern but I stumbled upon this one in a past issue of Simply Crochet magazine and loved it's simplicity and beauty and snowflakeyness.
Since then I've been creating my Christmas workshop patterns (to be revealed at a later date after the workshop :-D) and immersing myself in beautiful yarn to create said designs. All very exciting and creative - I hope!!
And to top off my creativeness, after being inspired by one of my students who was making a beautiful cowl, I decided to dig up some lovely Debbie Bliss Rialto Lace that I had bought for a project which it turned out to be all wrong for, and make a scarf. Here is my creation thus far ...
I love it's softness and delicacy and yet to touch it is really quite robust. 
I've quite ridiculously fallen in love with this creation. I've decided to just keep going until I run out of the ball of lace. That will be how long this scarf is, no more and no less!!
In my excitement with this scarf, I thought I'd create another one when this is finished to go with an outfit for a party I'm  going to in early December. Nothing like a deadline to challenge myself with hee-hee!!
The skirt and the lace yarn all ready to go! Really looking forward to the time when I can begin this one. 
Now, to those beady eyed among you, sorry sorry sorry 😞. I am well and truly behind with my granny square delights. I know I know. It's on my ever growing 'to do list' and I've already decided how the blanket will look once finished - I'm sure that will develop as the weeks go on knowing me!!! So, Christmas making and workshops out of the way, then scarves, and then some serious blanket work! Please pick me up on this in December if I fail to get on top of that promise!! 
Til next time, happy crocheting xx

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