Tuesday 28 October 2014

Spotty dotty!

I've been neglecting my blog again, sorry. Rest assured that I've been super busy with crochet and yet more decorating of our house, almost done it all now, the decorating that is!
In my crochet world I've mainly been thinking Christmas but as before these items won't be blogged until after my Christmas workshop on the 9th November. All very secret and exciting though and I am really rather pleased with myself writing patterns and being uber creative.
Alongside that I've been finishing some other projects off. I am doing a WI workshop at the weekend and so I've been creating a couple more bits and bobs to show off the wonders of crochet. 
I managed to complete my Spotty Dotty bunting...
Really love the vibrant colours on this bunting. I used a selection of Rico Design Essentials Cotton. 
Aren't they wonderful? And they have fabulous names like Melon and Peacock and Kingfisher and Flamingo!!
Just on a little note about colour. Do you find that sometimes you get a colour yarn that you love, you take off the label, get creating, then when you want some more you can't remember exactly what it was?? Well, it's always happening to me. So, I now always take a little snippet of each colour and celotape it to the back of the label so I then have a record of the make, colour number, and a visual of the yarn. You've probably all been doing that for yonks but just incase you haven't you can have this advice for free ;-D!! 
Want to see a couple more piccies??

I've also been creating a Granny Square cushion too. Not got that far but do have Sunday as a deadline so I am hoping it will come together in time. 
I've chosen eight rather bright colours and am creating the cushion using just these. You will also spot that I'm joining the squares as I go! Oooh, get me? I just figured that with my deadline fast approaching it may save time and be less depressing at the end! Here's hoping anyway. Will keep you up to date with this little creation. My plan is to use the rather lovely purple and red to do a double crochet row around the edge and use it to join both sides. We'll see how it works. 
Half term at the moment too so that is a little distracting for my crochet time.
No rest for the wicked my Mum used to say!! 
Til next time 
Happy crocheting x

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