Tuesday 7 October 2014

Blanket bonkers!

I've gone blanket bonkers!! 
Probably a knock on effect from the sudden drop in temperature but hey ho, there's nothing nicer than crocheting something on your knee that gets larger and larger keeping you uber warm as it grows - hee hee!! 
So, the story...
Once upon a time there was The Crochet Lady, who realised that her Christmas Fairs were fast looming and her stock was not fast replenishing. So she thought, 'mmm, what would be a lovely item to see on my stall? Me thinks a lovely pram blanket or two' (haven't got time for a full on grown up one but could always take commissions if desired!!)
Out came her pretty yarn and her mind went doolally deciding on colour schemes and gazing around her world in a colour inspiration dream. 
Then blanket number 1 grew -
Not much inspiration was used here it has to be said! Was thinking back to the lovely blue Granny square design I made a friend at the end of August and thought lets do a girlie version. 

Rather like it myself. 

'The next blanket,' thought The Crochet Lady, 'shall have more inspiration - Morrocco maybe??'

~ Did I show you the lovely rug I've fallen in love with?? Here tis...
And so blanket 2 began to take shape .
To be continued...

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