Wednesday 21 May 2014

Granny square delight!

So, I thought I'd finally catch you all up with my Granny Square blanket, much mentioned but never seen!
I decided in the New Year that I wanted to create a Granny Square blanket for us to have at home and hopefully be delightful enough to be a new family heirloom that my children fight over owning in years to come!
It took me a while to decide on the colour scheme I wanted and after dismissing a blue pallet for fear of it looking cold, I eventually settled on an Autumnal feel with the colours of leaves in mind. I felt it would be warming and ever so cosy to be underneath.

The colours chosen, now for the squares...
I received a fabulous book for Christmas called '200 Crochet Blocks for Blankets, Throws and Afghans' by Jan Eaton. It contains 200 Granny square designs, some of them repeated as she shows different colour schemes that could be used.
So, after not being able to choose any one design I preferred the most, I eventually decided that I'd like to make lots of different squares which had the colour scheme throughout.
So after working non-stop throughout January I currently have...
24 squares! Not enough for a blanket though...
My plan is to attempt to make one a week and see where we end up by the end of the year. I'm hoping that my Blog will spur me on...mmm...fingers crossed!
I do have some favourites already. Look at these ones -

This last one has a slightly raised flower in the centre. Really charming.
This project will also need to be properly blocked as if you look closely in the picture of all of them, their sizes are not all regular so they'll need pinning out before they are connected together. Another challenge having never done any blocking before.
My daughter got a little excited about the 'blanket' and thought she should give it a go for cosiness!! Love it :)
A thumbs up me thinks!
So now on to making this weeks square. Watch this space and I'll attempt to find a smidgen of time later.


  1. Lovely squares! Mine is still v much a work in progress... ��

  2. Wow beautiful colours and patterns. Clever lady you are :)

  3. Too kind Gemma!
    And Cathy, come on now, more squares, more squares!!!! :D
