Sunday 18 May 2014

Spring? Early Summer? A blip in the weather to lul us into a false sense? Mmmm?? We'll see...

Wow! Sorry to have been away for so long but time has just been running away from me recently.

Hasn't the weather just been marvellous - just seen a forecast for next week though...don't look!!

I've just got back from a great weekend away in Dartmouth with my three sisters. Not a bit of crochet in sight, only lots of shopping, food, wine, music, and laughter. It was fabulous.

Dartmouth was celebrating its annual music festival and everywhere we went there was live music, be it on a stage, in a garden, on the street, in cafes and restaurants and in one instance actually in a shop! Combine that with the gorgeous weather we have had this weekend and it was definitely a weekend to remember. And I haven't even begun to tell you all about my journey there and back!

I didn't have the car this weekend so one of my sisters and I travelled down to Paignton on the train, then took the steam train to Kingswear and then the car ferry across to Dartmouth. Fantastic! The return journey involved a 1 1/2 hour boat cruise up the River Dart to Totnes then the train back from there. It was truly relaxing and felt slightly decadent as we just had to sit and be ferried from place to place. Loved it and would definitely do it again! In fact we all decided that we should make our sister weekends a regular annual event! Can't wait...

And then back to reality... helped mow the lawn on my return...crochet party tomorrow evening...and a crochet top two thirds complete...come on, I can do it! 

ps we saw a band play called Company B. Check them out they are amazing!

pps forgot to say that I used my new bag. Very agreeable!


  1. Wonderful. Wonderful. Reading your blog makes me want to skive off work and go and get my crochet hooks! xx

  2. That's lovely of you to say, thank you. I know I would love to crochet far more than I actually get time to! xx
