Thursday 26 June 2014

Purses, purses and more purses...

What a busy Hey Hey Crochet week I've had. Two teaching parties under my belt and my Year 2 teaching too not to mention preparation for a Summer Fair in a little over a week.
In addition to all of that, we've decorated two bedrooms at home and are currently living in a little bit of a mess as I take the opportunity to sort through (secretly!!) the kids toys! Phew! Understandably I'm feeling a little tired today.
Shall I show you some of the crochet I've been creating in my spare time (hee-hee!! Spare time? What's that then??!!) Yes, did you say? Well, read on...
I'm off to Widcombe School Summer Fair next weekend in Bath to advertise my crochet teaching and wanted to have some little bits and bobs to show off and encourage people to want to learn to crochet and also to sell whilst there.
Bring on the pocket money purses! (Come along and see me at Widcombe School if you fancy one!)
The stripey one in the bottom right hand corner of the picture you've seen before during my enforced stay at home near Easter when the boys had chicken pox. However, the others are all recent additions to my purse sale collection. Take a closer look and see what you think...
I'm enjoying the stripes and Summery feel of this purse. Love the little beads too. Looks really fresh and pretty.

The stripes on this one were quite heavy so I felt it needed a little something to lift it hence the chain flower and button addition. A bit different and definitely tempted my taste buds into more decoration on the purses...

I think this one was also made during the 'time of the chicken pox' but I dug it back out and added a row of double buttons in complementary colours to brighten it up.

Had a similar idea with this one and added an extra bead to the zip - oooh very special! The next one is my favourite though...

How pretty and summery is this? I love this purse. The daisy just leaps out at you. Really fun and maybe a talking point..???
Now to make some gorgeous hair clips before next weekend and maybe some more purses if time.
I'm off to get my crochet hook....
'Til next time xx

Granny Square Delight! (4)

It's done! The next square is completed. Yay! Love the way the eye is drawn outwards from the centre circle. A pretty one me thinks.
Getting quite excited about what my finished blanket will look like.
Watch this space...

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Top of the Tops, Top-tastic, Toparama, Topical Tops......

Can't believe it myself but would you look at this...
Am really chuffed with the top and with myself. The husband even picked out a suitable necklace to really tart it up. Even the children picked up on the celebratory atmosphere and my eldest managed a sneaky photo bomb!!  

The pattern really shows up in this close up. The gaps created by the joining of the shapes make beautiful petal designs. As you can tell, I'm really rather chuffed :D!!

The arms, neck and bottom edges of the tops have a lovely picot detail which not only looks pretty but actually adds a certain amount of strength to the edges.

Just to polish off my bragging, my three year old daughter fancied a go at being photographer! The next two shots are hers - not bad me thinks!

This last one has now become my personal Facebook image!
Well, I'm exhausted! 
But before I go, for those of you who are beady eyed, you'll notice that the beautiful granny square bag I blogged about last time does not include the lace that I'd been so forceful about! I could say that it was an intentional design decision made regarding the aesthetics of the bag, however, that would just be a lie! I finished the bag and then discovered the unused lace...oops! But actually, the bag does work rather well without it and I now have some lovely lace awaiting a new project! Hurrah!
Happy crocheting!

Thursday 12 June 2014

Just don't mention the top!! Pleeeeease...

So, the top is still waiting. I know. It's next on my list. Promise!
The bag looks good though, even if I do say so myself. I rather like it! First outing today - first complement today. Yay :).
See what you think -
I used the inner material colours to choose my yarn and then I used Rico Creative Cotton in Ecru 60, Cardinal 11, Clay 51, Tangerine 76, Fuchsia 13 and Bright Turquoise 37.
I altered the pattern on each side so one side started and ended with the Ecru and the other with the Clay. Then I used the Clay to make the long shoulder strap as I felt it would be more durable than the Ecru colour-wise. The strap is super long, worked in three rows of trebles, so that it can be an across body bag or a shoulder bag with a fashionable knot tied in it - or so I am telling myself about the 'fashionable' bit!

I even had time and material for a little internal pocket! Oooh, get me showing off! All-in-all a fab bag for the lovely Summer weather we are currently enjoying.
Have a go yourself. It is only a simple Granny Square with a strap attached and a lining! Go on you can do it. Would love to see your pictures if you do...
Until next time - with crochet top completion I promise!
Happy crocheting x


Tuesday 10 June 2014

Granny Square Delight! (3)

Wow! This blogging malarkey is actually making me keep on top of my one granny square a week promise....
I chose this design in a really methodical, some may say, scientific way!
Actually, I didn't! I let the granny square book fall open on my lap and thought, "Yeah, quite like that one, I'll do it!" So here 'tis! Do you like it?
Now, for those of you following me on Facebook you already know that I've just had a fabulous night away in Bournemouth with three lady friends, the enigmatic Mrs C being one of them. We had a great time; the weather was fab, the relaxation was top notch and the company second to none. I even managed to do some crochet :D!
I began work on a granny square bag with the aim of using one of those lovely vintage materials I bought at the Vintage Fair last week. Here it is so far, well the parts of it anyway -
Loving the colours and crispness of those granny squares. To be honest I don't think you can beat a lovely old fashioned granny square. As you can see there is going to be a lace part to the bag. Still in progress and thought processes are whirring regarding the lace and where to put it not to mention how to attach it to where I think I might put it. I love a challenge me so watch out lace, you're mine and you're going to be part of this bag whether you like it or not!
And, yes, I know, I still haven't finished my crochet top! Grrr! Alright, I'll get on it, I promise. I'm just easily crochet distracted!!
Til next time, happy crochet x

Wednesday 4 June 2014

The dangers of scissors!

I've discovered over the last few months that my ability to take photographs is very slapdash! My latest effort...
I know the ladies at my crochet party last night were not keen to have their faces in the picture, but really? Was this the best I could do? Apparently, yes! Lots of productive hands but very little else. Many apologies.
It was a lovely party though. The group of ladies were almost all members of Farrington Gurney WI and many had experience of knitting so took to the crochet hook and yarn challenge with gusto! Granny squares grew reasonably quickly and in some beautiful colour combinations - which if I had had my head about me, would now be able to show you in a lovely gallery of their work! Oops!
I have been sent a wonderful picture of a doll's blanket created by a lady from a previous crochet party. She had never done any crochet before but by the looks of it has almost not stopped practising since! Fabulous. Take a look at this -
What a beautiful doll's blanket. I feel proud to have started this lady on her crochet journey and wish her lots of colourful fun with the continuation of her projects. You go girl!
And now on to my crochet top...
I thought I'd have it finished by now but time has been against me. It is so close to completion you wouldn't believe it.
As you can see the body of the top is done and the shoulders and neckline are beginning to take shape.
Now, I would have had it finished this week already however, I feel the need to warn you about scissors. You may have been warned as a child never to run with scissors. Well, I'm here to tell you that in addition to that very sensible rule, you should also consider very carefully what you're cutting! I snipped a fairly small piece of un-useful yarn from my top whilst tidying the loose ends of one of the shapes - or so I thought! Argh! It was attached to another very useful piece of my top and before I knew it the last hour of my work came undone and had to be remade! Grrr... the dangers of wild scissor usage. Be Warned! It can happen to anyone at any time.
So close to finishing though! Keep watching.
That reminds me I need to do this week's Granny Square...
So much to do, so little time.