Tuesday 10 June 2014

Granny Square Delight! (3)

Wow! This blogging malarkey is actually making me keep on top of my one granny square a week promise....
I chose this design in a really methodical, some may say, scientific way!
Actually, I didn't! I let the granny square book fall open on my lap and thought, "Yeah, quite like that one, I'll do it!" So here 'tis! Do you like it?
Now, for those of you following me on Facebook you already know that I've just had a fabulous night away in Bournemouth with three lady friends, the enigmatic Mrs C being one of them. We had a great time; the weather was fab, the relaxation was top notch and the company second to none. I even managed to do some crochet :D!
I began work on a granny square bag with the aim of using one of those lovely vintage materials I bought at the Vintage Fair last week. Here it is so far, well the parts of it anyway -
Loving the colours and crispness of those granny squares. To be honest I don't think you can beat a lovely old fashioned granny square. As you can see there is going to be a lace part to the bag. Still in progress and thought processes are whirring regarding the lace and where to put it not to mention how to attach it to where I think I might put it. I love a challenge me so watch out lace, you're mine and you're going to be part of this bag whether you like it or not!
And, yes, I know, I still haven't finished my crochet top! Grrr! Alright, I'll get on it, I promise. I'm just easily crochet distracted!!
Til next time, happy crochet x

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