Wednesday 4 June 2014

The dangers of scissors!

I've discovered over the last few months that my ability to take photographs is very slapdash! My latest effort...
I know the ladies at my crochet party last night were not keen to have their faces in the picture, but really? Was this the best I could do? Apparently, yes! Lots of productive hands but very little else. Many apologies.
It was a lovely party though. The group of ladies were almost all members of Farrington Gurney WI and many had experience of knitting so took to the crochet hook and yarn challenge with gusto! Granny squares grew reasonably quickly and in some beautiful colour combinations - which if I had had my head about me, would now be able to show you in a lovely gallery of their work! Oops!
I have been sent a wonderful picture of a doll's blanket created by a lady from a previous crochet party. She had never done any crochet before but by the looks of it has almost not stopped practising since! Fabulous. Take a look at this -
What a beautiful doll's blanket. I feel proud to have started this lady on her crochet journey and wish her lots of colourful fun with the continuation of her projects. You go girl!
And now on to my crochet top...
I thought I'd have it finished by now but time has been against me. It is so close to completion you wouldn't believe it.
As you can see the body of the top is done and the shoulders and neckline are beginning to take shape.
Now, I would have had it finished this week already however, I feel the need to warn you about scissors. You may have been warned as a child never to run with scissors. Well, I'm here to tell you that in addition to that very sensible rule, you should also consider very carefully what you're cutting! I snipped a fairly small piece of un-useful yarn from my top whilst tidying the loose ends of one of the shapes - or so I thought! Argh! It was attached to another very useful piece of my top and before I knew it the last hour of my work came undone and had to be remade! Grrr... the dangers of wild scissor usage. Be Warned! It can happen to anyone at any time.
So close to finishing though! Keep watching.
That reminds me I need to do this week's Granny Square...
So much to do, so little time.

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