Wednesday 18 June 2014

Top of the Tops, Top-tastic, Toparama, Topical Tops......

Can't believe it myself but would you look at this...
Am really chuffed with the top and with myself. The husband even picked out a suitable necklace to really tart it up. Even the children picked up on the celebratory atmosphere and my eldest managed a sneaky photo bomb!!  

The pattern really shows up in this close up. The gaps created by the joining of the shapes make beautiful petal designs. As you can tell, I'm really rather chuffed :D!!

The arms, neck and bottom edges of the tops have a lovely picot detail which not only looks pretty but actually adds a certain amount of strength to the edges.

Just to polish off my bragging, my three year old daughter fancied a go at being photographer! The next two shots are hers - not bad me thinks!

This last one has now become my personal Facebook image!
Well, I'm exhausted! 
But before I go, for those of you who are beady eyed, you'll notice that the beautiful granny square bag I blogged about last time does not include the lace that I'd been so forceful about! I could say that it was an intentional design decision made regarding the aesthetics of the bag, however, that would just be a lie! I finished the bag and then discovered the unused lace...oops! But actually, the bag does work rather well without it and I now have some lovely lace awaiting a new project! Hurrah!
Happy crocheting!

1 comment:

  1. Looks fabulous!! Wow, well done, you really are the Crochet Lady!! Xx
