Saturday 27 December 2014

Merry Christmas!

Wow what a holiday season! 

As a family we've had the best time. The husband worked until just after 4pm on Christmas Eve and then it was family all the way. 

The kids were relieved to discover that yes they were on Father Christmas' good list :-)! Phew! 

Christmas Day lunch was the usual roast dinner close-your-eyes-and-hope-for-the-best moment! Our three little ones are not big fans of roast dinners -weird!! 

Then after tidying up it was time for gifts. Now came my moment of concern...would the homemade poncho be well received by my daughter? Answer? YES!! YES!! YES!! Amazing! She is choosing to put it on of her own accord and loves showing it off to everyone. Super proud mummy moment every time! And it was a great fit - another relief as I had discreetly (well as discreetly as it is possible to) measured her front so I knew how long it needed to be at its pointy bit... Take a look for yourself 

Now that is one happy face! 

In addition, the secret bunting I made for my brother-in-law was also well received. Do you remember that he is a landlord of a pub in Par, Cornwall? Well, the gift??
And in its full glory
And in situ
Highly admired apparently so that's great. 

Lovely to think my crochet is enjoyed far and wide - did I mention that some of the Christmas decorations I made and sold have been posted abroad? I am now Hey Hey Crochet! International!!! There are snowflakes handmade by me in Hong Kong would you believe it?!?!? 

Well, on to my Christmas gifts. I've received some online 'freeform crochet' lessons and a book on Tunisian crochet with a hook to follow. I've already begun the freeform lessons and have already learnt some new ways of using stitches I already know and new ways of creating further variations of them. Loads to report back on in my next post.

Til then,
Happy crocheting x

Sunday 21 December 2014

Poncho perfection ahhh

Really rather pleased with myself at the moment as I've completed a lovely )and very pink) poncho for my daughter as a little extra present for Christmas. 
Starting with a deep pink that has a sparkle of silver running through it, moving into pale pink, dark pink, medium pink, lilac and then grey - nervous about the grey as I know she's not keen on it but my husband was determined if should go in to take away from the excess of pink!! (Wondering if I really should have let him be involved in the colour choice, but too late now though!) Pink, on the other hand, she'll LOVE!!
I gave the edge a lot of thought as I wanted it to be pretty but not too flouncy. So I edged it with a 2 trebles, 2 chain, 2 trebles combination into each space between the granny treble groups. 
And, the neck? 
A lovely soft roll neck that should keep her toasty warm, mmmm. 
Soooo hope she likes it. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Til next time
Happy crocheting x

Saturday 13 December 2014

Granny square delight 9!

Wow! It turns out that I've been neglecting my Granny Squares most severely.
I thought I'd get them all out and see where I was at. Turns out on looking back through my Blog that I've made some and not shown you. Many apologies for that oversight!

Here they are in all their glory - 
I do seem to like the ones with a flowery like circle design in the middle.
This one looks almost edible - is it me or does the green bit look a little like piped cake icing???
I like the Central shape in this one.
Not sure if you've seen this one before but couldn't find it when I scrolled back through my pictures.
Now those beady eyed amongst you will notice that this is almost the same as the green icing one. I say 'almost' as it turns out I misread the pattern first time round and so this one is a more accurate creation of the pattern! 
I have made one of these before but using forest green as the predominant colour. This is a warmer version of a square I really love.

Please remember that none of these were designed by me but are all from the rather lovely book by Jan Eaton
Some of the patterns need a little tweaking but only due to typos in the printing.

Anyhoo, on laying them all out I've discovered that I have 36 squares and I've realised that I need another 45!!!!! Eek! This is definitely a long term project!

Have been really thinking about the overall look of my blanket though and am thinking of having the squares in groups of 9 and then crocheting them together using a granny stitch style to create a large blanket. Something a bit like this I think
With some sort of edging to be decided on probably at the last minute!!

So, lots to look forward to

Tol next time
Happy crocheting x

Friday 12 December 2014

A little Christmas treat!

The time has come at last for me to create something for my family, so I'm making a poncho for my daughter for Christmas - hopefully I've left enough time to complete it!!

My Simply Crochet magazine issue 25 inspired me.... Take a look for yourself 
Isn't that lovely? 

I've even become excited with some actual planning before I start, slightly unheard of for me as I like to just create as I go. 
I'm really not keen on the fringe at the bottom of this poncho though. I know fringes are trendy at the mo but well hey-ho not with me! So I'm considering either an edge of some description, possibly picot, or maybe a row of flowers?? Will see how I feel as it grows. 

This is it so far
Just half the cowl at the mo. Quite excited about this little project, not got long though eek!!

My yarns? 
Mainly pinks with a little lilac and a spot of pale grey to balance the amount of pink. Hope she likes it.
Will keep you posted (pardon the pun!)

Til next time 
Happy crocheting x

Thursday 4 December 2014

Sorry everyone, I have sinned...

It's been too long to mention since my last blog post. Sorry sorry sorry. 

Life in my crochet world has been pretty bonkers lately. 

My stash of Christmas baubles and snowflakes have been selling as fast as I can make them and sometimes even faster than that! I experimented with the style on the round baubles and came up with a Scandinavian themed one which was very popular. 

I went a bit silly with one and dug out my highly favoured Pom Pom maker - 
A hit with the girls and something rather silly but fun for the tree! 

I discovered a stash of pearl style coloured beads and jazzed up a Christmas tree with them. 
Love the shiny nature of these beads. 

I got myself a lovely white display tree from Hobbycraft
This was a marvellous addition to my craft stall at St Saviours Infants Christmas  Fair (and will be a big favourite of mine as it becomes my Easter tree, Christmas tree, Summer tree - is there such a thing?? Should there be?? Can I start one?? What shall I hang on it?? Mmmm)
The tree really helped to show off my Christmas decorations to their full potential. 

I hadn't realised until I got there and began organising all my crochet goodies just how much loveliness I had actually made. Take a look for yourselves 

Did you spot my jolly bunting?? Did it make you smile? Did it? Does me! 

It was a great day and one of Hey Hey Crochet!'s best ever. 
Since then more orders have been coming in thick and fast. 

In addition I completed my Year 1 and 2 Crochet Club for this year and this was the results...
An amazing bunch of Father Christmases! Had such fun with the kids making these. Loom bands have definitely got a lot to answer for as the kids picked up the crochet technique really quickly.

I've also collected some bargain baubles to be creative with! May have time this year, (ha ha!!) if not look out next year for something a little funky for your tree!!
Oops! There's my foot!! 

Finally, a brooch that was ordered. Didn't have any left in stock that were the right colour so had to get creative with my yarn and buttons!! 
Love the vibrancy of this!

So, despite being rushed off my feet and pulling some VERY late nights to get everything completed (still working on the 'getting it all completed' side of it!), I still love love love crochet!!

Hope you do too. 
Til next time,
Happy crocheting x