Saturday 27 December 2014

Merry Christmas!

Wow what a holiday season! 

As a family we've had the best time. The husband worked until just after 4pm on Christmas Eve and then it was family all the way. 

The kids were relieved to discover that yes they were on Father Christmas' good list :-)! Phew! 

Christmas Day lunch was the usual roast dinner close-your-eyes-and-hope-for-the-best moment! Our three little ones are not big fans of roast dinners -weird!! 

Then after tidying up it was time for gifts. Now came my moment of concern...would the homemade poncho be well received by my daughter? Answer? YES!! YES!! YES!! Amazing! She is choosing to put it on of her own accord and loves showing it off to everyone. Super proud mummy moment every time! And it was a great fit - another relief as I had discreetly (well as discreetly as it is possible to) measured her front so I knew how long it needed to be at its pointy bit... Take a look for yourself 

Now that is one happy face! 

In addition, the secret bunting I made for my brother-in-law was also well received. Do you remember that he is a landlord of a pub in Par, Cornwall? Well, the gift??
And in its full glory
And in situ
Highly admired apparently so that's great. 

Lovely to think my crochet is enjoyed far and wide - did I mention that some of the Christmas decorations I made and sold have been posted abroad? I am now Hey Hey Crochet! International!!! There are snowflakes handmade by me in Hong Kong would you believe it?!?!? 

Well, on to my Christmas gifts. I've received some online 'freeform crochet' lessons and a book on Tunisian crochet with a hook to follow. I've already begun the freeform lessons and have already learnt some new ways of using stitches I already know and new ways of creating further variations of them. Loads to report back on in my next post.

Til then,
Happy crocheting x

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