Friday 12 December 2014

A little Christmas treat!

The time has come at last for me to create something for my family, so I'm making a poncho for my daughter for Christmas - hopefully I've left enough time to complete it!!

My Simply Crochet magazine issue 25 inspired me.... Take a look for yourself 
Isn't that lovely? 

I've even become excited with some actual planning before I start, slightly unheard of for me as I like to just create as I go. 
I'm really not keen on the fringe at the bottom of this poncho though. I know fringes are trendy at the mo but well hey-ho not with me! So I'm considering either an edge of some description, possibly picot, or maybe a row of flowers?? Will see how I feel as it grows. 

This is it so far
Just half the cowl at the mo. Quite excited about this little project, not got long though eek!!

My yarns? 
Mainly pinks with a little lilac and a spot of pale grey to balance the amount of pink. Hope she likes it.
Will keep you posted (pardon the pun!)

Til next time 
Happy crocheting x

1 comment:

  1. Busy bee as always. Can't wait to see the finished creation 😁
