Saturday 13 December 2014

Granny square delight 9!

Wow! It turns out that I've been neglecting my Granny Squares most severely.
I thought I'd get them all out and see where I was at. Turns out on looking back through my Blog that I've made some and not shown you. Many apologies for that oversight!

Here they are in all their glory - 
I do seem to like the ones with a flowery like circle design in the middle.
This one looks almost edible - is it me or does the green bit look a little like piped cake icing???
I like the Central shape in this one.
Not sure if you've seen this one before but couldn't find it when I scrolled back through my pictures.
Now those beady eyed amongst you will notice that this is almost the same as the green icing one. I say 'almost' as it turns out I misread the pattern first time round and so this one is a more accurate creation of the pattern! 
I have made one of these before but using forest green as the predominant colour. This is a warmer version of a square I really love.

Please remember that none of these were designed by me but are all from the rather lovely book by Jan Eaton
Some of the patterns need a little tweaking but only due to typos in the printing.

Anyhoo, on laying them all out I've discovered that I have 36 squares and I've realised that I need another 45!!!!! Eek! This is definitely a long term project!

Have been really thinking about the overall look of my blanket though and am thinking of having the squares in groups of 9 and then crocheting them together using a granny stitch style to create a large blanket. Something a bit like this I think
With some sort of edging to be decided on probably at the last minute!!

So, lots to look forward to

Tol next time
Happy crocheting x

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