Sunday 20 July 2014

Finger puppets with a difference!

My last bit of smugness for today comes not from me but from some very talented 7 year olds that I have been teaching over the course of 5 weeks in a half hour lunch time club at a local Infant School, St Saviours in Bath.

I began by showing them the chain stitch then we went on to the double crochet and look at what they created -
Aren't they amazing?
I'd not taught children before so I began by teaching my 6 year old son how to crochet (had to bribe him with a bit of money as he would much rather have been playing Minecraft!). I wanted to see what was actually possible in the space of half an hour.
The Crochet Club astonished me. Their memory for stitches was great and their motivation to get their project finished was immense. They were such fun to teach and very rewarding. I've never seen such happy children as them when they could finally name their finger puppet and wave it about on their favourite finger!!!
I'd love to do more of this teaching in other schools around Bath and maybe even children's parties. Will have to see what I can organise.
Until next time.
Happy crochet-ing!

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