Sunday 6 July 2014

Gorgeous hairclips a-plenty!

Well, I found some time and made some lovely flowery hair clips with a statement button on them. I've been wearing one myself as I'm a little partial to a bit of prettiness in my hair! I used alligator clips (the ones that open like an alligators mouth - Snap! Snap!) and embroidery silk in a range of amazing colours. They certainly look great all gathered together....
 And some close ups, for your pleasure!!!

I certainly have some favourites. How about you??
Oh, and I found time for another purse, astonishing!

 Now, for the Fair which I'm going to Blog about separately as I think it deserves it's own little mention.
Before I go though, a little word about scissors - again! Whilst making the beautiful hair clips I managed to snip two of my fingers. So, not only did I not learn from the dangerous snipping of my crochet top a couple of weeks ago, I didn't learn after the first time I snipped my finger, I did it TWICE!!! What a wally! May you all be warned!!!

Until next time.
Happy crocheting x.

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