Monday 29 September 2014

Jolly bunting :-D

I love bunting. It's so jolly and makes me smile. 
I've finally begun to build up some stock for my Christmas craft fair run and although it is slow progress as I get very easily distracted when it comes to pretty craft and want to start something else whilst already making something!! 
Focus Melanie focus! 
Here's my first effort - 
Love it! 
Pretty with the hearts and also has a Christmassy feel due to the colours used.
This bunting took up a whole ball of the lovely berry red yarn that I bought last week at the Handmade Fair. Really love the feel of this yarn, it had a rawness about it that just made you want to touch it.

Was inspired at the weekend by a rug I saw in Argos made by Habitat. Have a look and see what you think ...
Sorry, got the corner of a sofa in the picture, but wowzers, don't you just love those colours? It immediately shouted to me 'Morroco' and 'make something in these colours now now now!!' So watch this space. Me thinks a gorgeous pram blanket in a chevron design maybe? Will let you know ..,

Until next time.
Happy crocheting, oh and watch out for colour inspiration anywhere!

Saturday 27 September 2014

Up-cycling complete!!! Yay!!

I detest sewing!
There, I've said it!!
Why you ask?? 
Well, to up-cycle a duvet was jolly hard work as the material that you work with is really big. Not easy for sewing crochet motifs onto :-(!! 

So, here's the story...
We had a duvet that was cream with lilac material squares dotted over it. Here's one of the squares -
And the other type it had on it was this one - 
All very pleasant when we had a lilac bedroom and no children! Some decorating and three children later, the duvet lacked a certain cream element but did have some delightful biro and felt pen elements instead!! 
So, me being me, I thought I can do something with this! 
The first thing I did was remove all of the lilac material squares then, after a trip to my local DIY store our duvet was no longer cream. I dyed it a pebble colour.  
Now to the crochet addition. 
I knew I wanted some sort of mandala effects on it but wasn't sure what. Time to do some research on the Internet!! 
I found this lovely blog by Zooty Owl with wonderful mandala designs on it. (Do check her out as her designs are lovely - My favourite quickly became the Starflower Mandala one. Isn't it lovely? 
I just needed to remember that Zooty Owl is American so the stitches would need converting to the English equivalent. Plus although I was desperate to use those beautiful vibrant colours, I knew I was going to limit myself to the palate used on our curtains -
Not as inspiring I grant you!
Next, get the crochet hook and away I went creating the mandala design in numerous sizes by finishing the pattern after different rounds. 
Here are the finished Starflowers using my colour palate -
The massive central motif ...
The medium one ...
The little one ...
And the itsy-bitsy one ...
You can see I did use a brown but in small quantities as our curtains are predominantly brown so I wanted to balance that out before our room became universally known as the brown pooh room!! The other shades I used were Rico Design essentials cotton dk in Aqua and Silver. Oh, and the brown was from the Freedom Gorgeous dk range by Twilleys.
I varied the medium and small designs by alternating the Silver and Aqua and made  some Silver and some Aqua of the itsy-bitsy one.
The overall design - rather pleased ...
Really should have ironed the duvet on the reverse before putting it on the bed for best results, however I was so excited to have FINALLY finished, that at midnight last night I was insisting that the duvet be put on!! Husband not amused!!
More images of my up-cycling ..
Goodness the creases do look appalling - I am such a slovenly housewife! Never mind, I make up for it with crochet delights I like to think 😃
And the reason I hate sewing? 
It's a blooming nightmare to get your hand up inside a king size duvet to sew a bit of crochet on the front without puckering the duvet underneath it - yes, there is the odd pucker!! Grrr! Plus, it gets really hot sitting for three evenings with that all over your lap! Plus plus, have you ever tried pinning things onto a king size duvet?? It grabs the back of the duvet too so you have to then re-pin everything with your hand up the inside of the duvet cover before you start!!! I refer you back to the first rant point!! There, rant over!!
Nearly forgot the pillow cases! After consultation with the husband we decided that one of the small designs with the more Aqua than Silver looked best on the outside top corner of each pillow case. See...
Glad it's over I must admit but also secretly very chuffed with myself. Feel a bit precious about it though. No lounging all over the top of it until I've gotten used to it! 
Now back to my other projects. 
And yes, I'm fully aware that I've been neglecting my Granny Squares of late. Not sure my Granny Square blanket will be of a particularly substantial size by Christmas but I'll do my best. 
Til next time, happy crocheting (and up-cycling)

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Pom Pom crazy!

As expected we've gone Pom Pom crazy ! Had to stay at home today to await a man to mend my cooker, so out came the Pom Pom makers!! 
Got a bit carried away but it was such fun and they feel so lovely and squishy and soft and look so scrummy. 
They even make quite entertaining clown noses ...
And of course, necklaces too...well, why wouldn't you?!?
Rather like an enormous cuddly medallion but rather delicious me thinks! 
Great way to pass the time, although I really should have been crocheting. My up-cycling just needs sewing on then the reveal can commence! Be a little more patient please my lovelies...

Sunday 21 September 2014

Handmade Fair Fun and Crafty Frollicks!!

Wow what a day! 
Kirsty Alsopp's Handmade Fair at Hampton Court Palace. 
I went to the opening day on Friday and frankly it was brilliant. I was so excited I was almost sick!! 
Me at The Palace!! Yes, I was really there! 
And if you look really carefully in the next picture you'll see Kirsty herself opening the day...
I know I know, I was quite near the front and had queued for a little while to get in but boy what a day!! Well worth it.
Soooo excited! She's like the crafters queen and what I found quite entertaining is the amount of people attending the day wearing a tunic and leggings (me included!) almost as if crafters have a uniform 😀!! Very funny! 
So, my day ticket consisted of one grand make where everyone could have a go at making one of two things. I did Pom Pom making and I can't remember what the other option was as I didn't pick it so didn't need to remember it!! 
What do you think? 
Nothing special I hear you say, and yes I'd agree, only... we used this really mega little tool that made Pom Pom making soooo quick and simple with none of that cardboard ring malarkey!! 
Here it is - 
Wowzers! Can't really explain how it works as I think it's a demonstrating kind of thing really but it was amazing so I got me one!! Pom Pom bonkers I'm going to go 😉
After Pom Pom making I went to the felting workshop to create a Christmas decoration. The idea was to make a robin but frankly the colours on the table were a little too exciting for me and ta da...
My robin became very pink! I love it!! 
Soooo, yep you got it, off I went to the mahoosive shopping tents and got me a felting starter kit because I was just too excited not to!! 
Now my house can become a Pom Pom felted haven of colour! 
What next...
Mmm, a little mosie around Hampton Court Palace as I just lurve that place with a passion. I fell in love with history here many years ago when my Dad took me on a visit. I couldn't believe that I was walking in the exact same place that Henry VIII had done all those centuries before. 
Then back to the Fair to enjoy the shopping experience a little more - oops bought some yarn this time and a lovely pair of scissors. 
Next I saw Kirsty in conversation with Cath Kidston. This was fascinating, especially as Cath Kidston is so well known but I doubt many, if any, of us could put a face to her name. And my photo won't help there as I was sat at the side, so I got Kirsty face on most of the time and the back or side only of Cath's face... See for yourself -
I've put this one on my blog as although I took a few, none of them show Cath's  face and this one makes me smile as Kirsty has jazz hands! Hee hee 😀. 
Before I returned to the shopping tents to make sure that I had all the essentials that my crafty life had never realised it needed, I got myself a drink and a rather scrummy ice cream. Even the food and drink places were fabulous little retro caravans and old 50s vintage vans. Have just realised how much I should have photographed them too, not just everything I made!! Oh well, can't remember to do everything. 
Last purchase, a DIY button necklace kit. This I made the minute I got back to my cousins house where I was staying. 
Bit of an odd selfie there but you get the idea. I love this necklace and am now considering how many people I know who would appreciate a button necklace or bracelet for Christmas. 
Then it was time for home 😞 boo! 
I can even now feel the low from knowing all the months of waiting and the days of counting down were over. Please do one next year, Kirsty! I want to go again and have a go at all the other workshops that I didn't have time for. 
It was the best craft day EVER! Can't rate it enough. 
Now back to my crochet projects and teaching. Still got that duvet up-cycling to finish, really must get that done, will be nice to have some homemade prettiness keeping us warm this winter. 
Ah, well, til next time,
Happy crocheting

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Handmade Fair at Hampton Court Palace

This week is very exciting! I have a ticket to go to Kirsty Alsopp's Handmade Fair at Hampton Court Palace on Friday. Can barely contain my excitement!! 

It has also made my week ridiculously busy as not only am I in full preparation mode for going away for two nights (I'm staying with my cousin whilst I attend said Fair!!), it is also my son's birthday and birthday party on Sunday. Phew!! Can't leave the husband with everything to do, so my crochet time this week has dwindled substantially :-(. 

I've managed a couple of moments to continue some up cycling that I'm in the middle of - full details to follow once complete. Here's a little sneaky peek though -

Anyway, while you wait for that to be unveiled fully you can await the excitement of Friday's blog post following my day of crafty heaven....ahhh.

Happy crocheting

Wednesday 10 September 2014

A fantastic student!!

Look at this!!

This was made by one of the ladies I've been teaching this year. Isn't it brilliant? One of her friends was pregnant (also a crochet lady and her baby has now arrived) and she'd promised herself and the mum-to-be that she would make this wonderful Hungry Caterpillar baby sleeping bag and hat. I love it! 
Am very proud of this lady and her crochet ability, as she should be too, it's brill. 

Love this aspect of teaching, seeing the finished product of their crochet labour is rewarding for everyone. 

To all crochet lovers and despairers out there - keep up the good work. Life is so much more cheerful and colourful with a little crochet in it :-). 


Sunday 7 September 2014


One pot completed for the enigmatic Mrs C.
Sorry, I took this photo in apparently very poor lighting last night before giving it to her and didn't actually realise it until just now. 
The enigmatic Mrs C gave me no remit except 'a pot!!' So I chose the colours and thought I'd attempt a square shape using one of my blanket granny square designs for the base, then working in the front loops only of the last round I worked up the sides.
 I blocked this item with some spritzing of water and then left a suitable size box inside to help encourage it to hold it's shape.
Worked quite well I think. 
It did have bottom strength issues may I say. With a bit of technical thinking and a joint discussion with my husband and the enigmatic Mrs C, we came up with the idea of a cardboard base to reinforce it. So, I cut a square out of some firm cardboard and made another crochet base. Then using the remaining outside loops of the last round of the base I attached the second bottom with a double crochet stitch and slid the cardboard between. It was actually much firmer than I thought it might be. 

Quite chuffed with myself really. The enigmatic Mrs C seemed pleased too. 

Now on to other projects, although I do wish my mind would slow down! I leapt out of bed after midnight last night to draw a design that suddenly came to me!! Hadn't been in bed very long, but even so, really?!

Til next time,
Happy crocheting x

Saturday 6 September 2014

Flowery loveliness

I was inspired on my school run yesterday to take the following pictures.. 
And finally...
Aren't they all beautiful?

Our school run involves a stroll through some allotments, not trespassing I'll have you know, there is a footpath straight through the middle joining up two roads and providing a lovely short cut for us.

We were ambling through, for once not racing across with only mere minutes to spare, when I was taken aback by the beautiful colours and enormous number of flowers people are growing on their allotments. It made me realise how used I am to the green shades of vegetables growing. These colours beckoned me to stop and admire. Rather tempted with a little sample I must admit, but I held myself in check!! 

I love crocheting flowers and am always trying to think of projects which would benefit from a little bit of flowery madness. These just inspired me - well done to the allotment growers on our school run! I love it :D


Friday 5 September 2014

Panic over!

Phew! I did it - did you guess what it was? 
A blanket in my much loved traditional granny square design. 
Worked up to the wire though - 11pm last night was re-crocheting the border as I ran out of the dark blue yarn so had to undo and re-do in the lighter blue! It was a tightly made item as I ran out of white yarn on the last round, had about 6 inches to spare, eek!

So, delivered this morning to much excitement and had a cuddle with the baby. A great mornings worth of work me thinks. 

More piccies of the cosy spread -
I love the mix of these blues and the odd glimpse of white. 

There was no set order to my rounds of white as such. I only knew it may only last a few so was a bit sparing with it. It turned out about a metre squared give or take! (Forgot to measure it in my excitement so am visualising it now and spreading my arms accordingly!!)

Oh, I so wish my granny square blanket would grow so quickly... This one took no time really. 

Am off to finish a pot for the enigmatic Mrs C to home her nail polishes in. 

So many projects on the go, so little time to finish them...

Til next time, happy crocheting!

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Panic stations!

Rather unlike me, I'm panic crocheting this week! An old friend of mine had her first baby last Thursday and I am not organised at all!! Going to visit new baby on Friday morning, so there's my crochet deadline ;). I blame it on the summer holiday and no day having any real definition at all, got me all out of my organisation mode!!

Pictures of completed item will follow after I've actually finished it, but ... 
What's that? A sneaky peek you say? Oh, go on then, but don't tell her for goodness sake, spoil my surprise!! 
Ooh, what is it? Mmm...
You'll have to wait and see! Nothing too exciting as time is of the essence. You might have guessed that the baby is a boy though! 

Now to avoid any distractions. Almost impossible - getting there though. Eldest son returned to school today, youngest will go back tomorrow and then my daughter returns to pre school on Thursday. Nothing straight forward here! Will hope for crochet time to improve as week progresses. 

Til next time, happy crocheting xx