Saturday 6 September 2014

Flowery loveliness

I was inspired on my school run yesterday to take the following pictures.. 
And finally...
Aren't they all beautiful?

Our school run involves a stroll through some allotments, not trespassing I'll have you know, there is a footpath straight through the middle joining up two roads and providing a lovely short cut for us.

We were ambling through, for once not racing across with only mere minutes to spare, when I was taken aback by the beautiful colours and enormous number of flowers people are growing on their allotments. It made me realise how used I am to the green shades of vegetables growing. These colours beckoned me to stop and admire. Rather tempted with a little sample I must admit, but I held myself in check!! 

I love crocheting flowers and am always trying to think of projects which would benefit from a little bit of flowery madness. These just inspired me - well done to the allotment growers on our school run! I love it :D


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