Friday 5 September 2014

Panic over!

Phew! I did it - did you guess what it was? 
A blanket in my much loved traditional granny square design. 
Worked up to the wire though - 11pm last night was re-crocheting the border as I ran out of the dark blue yarn so had to undo and re-do in the lighter blue! It was a tightly made item as I ran out of white yarn on the last round, had about 6 inches to spare, eek!

So, delivered this morning to much excitement and had a cuddle with the baby. A great mornings worth of work me thinks. 

More piccies of the cosy spread -
I love the mix of these blues and the odd glimpse of white. 

There was no set order to my rounds of white as such. I only knew it may only last a few so was a bit sparing with it. It turned out about a metre squared give or take! (Forgot to measure it in my excitement so am visualising it now and spreading my arms accordingly!!)

Oh, I so wish my granny square blanket would grow so quickly... This one took no time really. 

Am off to finish a pot for the enigmatic Mrs C to home her nail polishes in. 

So many projects on the go, so little time to finish them...

Til next time, happy crocheting!

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