Tuesday 16 September 2014

Handmade Fair at Hampton Court Palace

This week is very exciting! I have a ticket to go to Kirsty Alsopp's Handmade Fair at Hampton Court Palace on Friday. Can barely contain my excitement!! 

It has also made my week ridiculously busy as not only am I in full preparation mode for going away for two nights (I'm staying with my cousin whilst I attend said Fair!!), it is also my son's birthday and birthday party on Sunday. Phew!! Can't leave the husband with everything to do, so my crochet time this week has dwindled substantially :-(. 

I've managed a couple of moments to continue some up cycling that I'm in the middle of - full details to follow once complete. Here's a little sneaky peek though -

Anyway, while you wait for that to be unveiled fully you can await the excitement of Friday's blog post following my day of crafty heaven....ahhh.

Happy crocheting

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